
So one of the last times I fell in love with a band solely because I heard them on NPR, it was Bishop Allen back in the early 2000s. (Reader, they never made it big as a band, though one of the leads went on to found OkCupid, so I guess he's doing allright). (Note to Liz: yes, I know Bandits on the Run does Tiny Desk Concerts every year, but I heard them live BEFORE I heard them on MPR, so that does not count.)

But recently I heard Call Me Spinster on Weekend Edition and loved them. Really. Go listen to Potholes right now and you'll love it too. I'll wait.

(See, you're back! Wasn't that great!)

I quickly found that they are on tour right now, and were coming to a club called Cloudland near us that just opened last fall on Lake Street, an indie venue located in the formerly notorious Diane's Massage. So we decided to go, abandoning our kid to circus and exam prep.

It's been a long time since we've been out to live music, and this was a great step back into it! We got there as the opening band (The Union Suits) was playing, and immediately ran into our friends Clara and Geoff (Geoff plays with Little Fevers, the true "headliner" of the night). The venue was lovely, and open, and drinks are reasonably priced — I would go back anytime! Fun people-watching too.

Call Me Spinster was even better live than the album. Incredibly lovely harmonies, and greta trust between them (I guess that happens with sisters). Their music has been on pretty heavy rotation around here, but now it will be even more so!

I had forgotten how much I love Little Fevers, so that was a great way to end the night with a fantastic set. 

It was a really fun night — I highly recommend checking them out. Hopefully we'll see a lot more music before The The in October!

(See, isn't it a cute venue?


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