Sometimes It Sucks - A Build Post

I had a BHAG to get the garage painted by the end of April. Like many such goals, it got derailed by being overbooked (mainly with circus shows) and rainy days and work deadlines and the like. I did get a lot of it done, but there's still a fair amount to do. To be honest, I think I touched up the siding in spots about 10 years ago, but haven't otherwise painted the garage since it was built.

I'm on a ton of May 15 deadlines and should have been working. But the backyard looks TERRIBLE and I really wanted to get it cleared up so we could spend some time out there, and that means at least finishing the part that faces the patio. And it's a gorgeous day.

So I got through some work and decided I would just have to do some tomorrow. Patrick has Beatrix at an MRI for a back injury (yikes!), so I popped quickly out to get some of the painting done. The step stood I was using was tippy on the group, but I thought I was ok for small sections.

Until I was not.

Stepstool tipped, me down on my back and left arm on the stone wall and conking myself hard in the head on the deck, the purple paint (which I have barely enough of) spilled everywhere. Paint all over the flowerbed (which TBH was looking pretty crappy even before that. Ugh. Possibly the only good part was that only a little spilled on the newly re-lined window boxes.

Nothing to do about it but pop back up and finish the painting. I used as much of the spilled paint as I could scoop up from the ground on the trim (which is why the long board that needs to be nailed back up is in the flowerbed.

It really sucks, but you've gotta just kind of keep going.


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