Who Wore It Better - a Build Post

We had intended to get a deep clean done at Ashland this summer, but with everything going on, that just won't happen. Nonetheless, Patrick deep-mopped the living room the other day, and I did the hall and library, after I had washed the rugs. A big goal had been to do some treatment on the floors, so which do you think looks best?

#1 - Living Room

Used traditional paste wax. Realized I no longer had a buffer, so buffed it in by hand (which was hard and I'm not sure I did a stellar job on it).


#2 - Front Hall

Used some spray floor treatment left over from my dad. Super-easy.


#3 - Library

Used Rejuvenate Floor Treatment that was on super-sale on Prime Day.

So, what do you think? Which looks better?


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