Summit Cozy Spots - a Build Post

Normally, I get my finds off the free boards on Facebook.

But when someone was selling this lamp the other day, I knew it would be perfect for Summit, and would be a good investment too. So I got it, and I love how it makes the front chair area look.

That allowed me to move the lamp and table that had been there to the side of the room. And why would I want to do that, you may ask? Because it balances out the light in the living room, and FINALLY we have enough light there at night. But it does not hide the mural too much.

Then, we cleaned out the bookshelves in the den (sorry to my mom's old 1950s textbooks that we finally got rid of, or the many other copies of books I pored over for hours when I was young. Yes, even The Last of the Mohicans.) We loved in my friend C's books, in case he wants them in the future, and an old chair of his as well.

Three new cozy spots at Summit — just as we get ready to move out until next summer...

Someone else looks cozy here too:


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