Winter Street Native Garden - A Build Post

I'm doing the final report on the native garden at my father-in-law's place on Wanter Street, and I am amazed at how far we've come.

In 2022, I applied for and received a watershed grant to redo the yard with native plants. My idea was to make it a much nicer place for him to hand out in and to invite friends over to. I liked the idea of native plants for sustainability, because it would be easier for him to care for, because it was a fun challenge and (let's be real here) because I got a grant.

This is the yard in the "before" state:

Similar to Summit, a lot of the plants did not take with the drought last year, but I was able to get some other ones and get the garden going.

Here's where it is now!

The front garden, with a little redbud tree, a goatsbeard, some spiderwort, cardinal flowers, phlox, cardinal flowers, and more.

The side garden along the fence, with some lion's foot, chokecherry, milkweed, and more.

The back garden, which is more shaded.

A cute little hosta garden.

A full view of the yard:

I'm very proud. My father in law seems to like to spend time out there, and loved the redbud in the spring when it bloomed. I think we've done an amazing job of making things better!


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