
I've been doing a lot of complaining lately, and I have an awesome new day planner that — besides a to-do list, an appointment list, a fitness list, and a "pick-up today" list has a section to write what I am grateful for (I have given up on the "meals" and H2O" parts.

So, since I have started using it, I have been grateful for:


not being in the hard place a friend is in

pool parties

Insight Brewing



VIP night at CJ

the Conrod-Wovchas

pool party friends

Em Que Viet

the person who caused so many issues leaving our house


825 Arts


people who ask how I'm doing

All in all, I think that's a lot to be grateful for, and I have barely started the planner!

ETA: I've had a few people ask me about the planner — it's this one



Anonymous said…
Sad to hear all that happened at your other "home". Sad there are people like that in this world. You are doing what we all need to do when things go sideways, think of the things we are grateful for!. BTW, I like the layout of that "journal" you are using, can I get the name of it, I would like to look into getting one. Thanks for all you share with readers, I like reading your blog (and Patricks as well).
bethanyg said…
It's this one (and I amended the original post too):

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