Friday Night Fish Fry - Hope Breakfast Bar

There's not a Catholic bone in my body, but I love me a good Lenten fish fry.  I mean, they're not as much fun as Mardi Gras, but nothing is — and they're a great way to wait out the time until you get to the Day of the Holy Cadbury Creme Egg.

On Friday nights, Beatrix has 3 hours of circus, so Patrick and I get a date night. So tonight, we decided to head out to a fish fry — but which one? So many choices! So hard to decide! I had a friend who used to have a hilarious Friday Night Fish Fry blog, but it's gone defunct. We were on our own.

I had heard earlier today that Hope Breakfast Bar had a fish fry. I love Hope — the beautiful restored firehouse building, the friendly staff, the food that's a nod to NOLA. But I figured it would be packed. Nevertheless, we decided to try.

We walked in and the place was almost empty despite (because of?) the state wrestling tournament going on down the road. So all that really meant was the service was even better than usual. We sat down, ordered up our fish (2 big pieces for $13 or all you can eat for $16), and were delighted to know that there were happy hour prices until 7pm! I love their cocktails and small but well-curated beer list.

The fish arrived quickly and was even better than expected. The fish was nicely breaded and not flabby, the fries were seasoned with a dash of Old Bay, and the coleslaw was delicious, even including brussels sprouts. That said, there was no way either of us could eat all of it; I can't imagine anyone could do the all-you-can-eat.

We had originally planned to check out several fish fries over the Friday nights between now and Easter, but we're now sorely tempted to just head here each week....


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