New Car, Who 'Dis?
We've needed a new car for awhile. Patrick's car has been on the edge of viable for some time, and though we could put not a ton of money in it and get it fixed, with both of our cars the same age and mileage we were likely to hit a double whammy of car purchase necessity. In any case, his Volvo, which we got a few years ago at a VERY chaotic time, really needed to be replaced
So he's been looking, and narrowed it down to certain specifications (he's become a Volvo guy, really wanted the XC70, certain year and mileage specs, etc.) He's test driven a few that were not quite right, and then this one came up.
At the same time, we have been a 1-car family for 10-days now — with no another week to go — while my car was in the shop recovering from a hit-and-run sideswipe in Chicago last Thanksgiving. For a normal, go-to-one-place-every-day kind of family, maybe not big deal, but in our family it's disastrous. Today alone we had to take Beatrix to 4 different girl scout cookie events, a play rehearsal, and a babysitting gig; Patrick had a rigging meeting and then met me at a Mardi Gras party; I had several things I had to pick up; and we had to take the German circus artist staying with us to the MOA and the Nook. Oh, and one of our houses got listed.
So it's with a sigh of relief that we purchased a new (to us) car this afternoon. Isn't it pretty? Doesn't Patrick look relieved?

(let me know if you know anyone looking for a good deal on his current wagon!)
And, for your viewing pleasure, a pic of Beatrix and members of her troop at a Dr. Jennifer cookie-buying event earlier today:
So he's been looking, and narrowed it down to certain specifications (he's become a Volvo guy, really wanted the XC70, certain year and mileage specs, etc.) He's test driven a few that were not quite right, and then this one came up.
At the same time, we have been a 1-car family for 10-days now — with no another week to go — while my car was in the shop recovering from a hit-and-run sideswipe in Chicago last Thanksgiving. For a normal, go-to-one-place-every-day kind of family, maybe not big deal, but in our family it's disastrous. Today alone we had to take Beatrix to 4 different girl scout cookie events, a play rehearsal, and a babysitting gig; Patrick had a rigging meeting and then met me at a Mardi Gras party; I had several things I had to pick up; and we had to take the German circus artist staying with us to the MOA and the Nook. Oh, and one of our houses got listed.
So it's with a sigh of relief that we purchased a new (to us) car this afternoon. Isn't it pretty? Doesn't Patrick look relieved?

(let me know if you know anyone looking for a good deal on his current wagon!)
And, for your viewing pleasure, a pic of Beatrix and members of her troop at a Dr. Jennifer cookie-buying event earlier today:
