The Things I Miss
Here in MN, it's only been a few days since the stay-at-home order, but we've been in more-or-less self-quarantine (minimal going out, social distancing when out) since March 14. Which, in the scale of things, might be a very small portion of how long we're confined.
And there are a lot of things I miss.

I miss cocktails (and taprooms). Of course, there's plenty we can drink here. Patrick went to Lawless today and got a to-go kit and it was lovely and gave some sense of that. But I don't miss the drinks as much as I miss the atmosphere, the sense of going out with Patrick for a special drink, taking the dog to the taproom. I miss sharing that experience.
I miss yoga — and Viv, and Joe, and chex mix, and every part of Yoga and a Pint. Viv has a subscription model, and we have been doing yoga at home. It's a good online course (though we can't get the playlist right. But it's still not the same.
I miss seeing friends. Zoom happy hours are nice, and allow me to even see friends in other states. But they are not the same.
I miss travel. Not just this year's lost trip to Amsterdam and Berlin, but it's hard to imagine going anywhere ever again right now. The best part about travel is seeing how other people live.
I miss restaurants and eating out. Patrick has been making amazing meals. But I hope that the restaurants that I know and love will make it through this. I'm afraid many won't.
Beatrix misses her school and friends. Online school starts this week. I'm not sure how she'll do it (or her teachers will), but she'll find a way. Today we spent all day setting up the 3rd floor to be a space where we all can comfortably work. But no one knows what online school will be like.
That 3rd floor is a great workspace, but I miss my clients. I'm finding new ways to communicate with them, but I worry that those are lacking, and that I am not getting what needs to get done done, and I am concerned for their long-term future.
I miss going to arts events. I've been watching livestreams and movies, and it's been a good pivot, but the community facet is missing.
You see, in all of these things, there are pivots. There are ways to change. There are adaptations. Maybe some of those will even be better.
But I see people rising up — to make masks for hospital workers (because why on earth don't we have enough masks?), to share information, to provide puzzles and games, to put their lives on the line to keep others safe, to stay at home to protect the more vulnerable. And I'm hoping that that spirit will come back and rebuild and be stronger than ever.
But right now, I selfishly, just miss people.
And there are a lot of things I miss.
I miss cocktails (and taprooms). Of course, there's plenty we can drink here. Patrick went to Lawless today and got a to-go kit and it was lovely and gave some sense of that. But I don't miss the drinks as much as I miss the atmosphere, the sense of going out with Patrick for a special drink, taking the dog to the taproom. I miss sharing that experience.
I miss yoga — and Viv, and Joe, and chex mix, and every part of Yoga and a Pint. Viv has a subscription model, and we have been doing yoga at home. It's a good online course (though we can't get the playlist right. But it's still not the same.
I miss seeing friends. Zoom happy hours are nice, and allow me to even see friends in other states. But they are not the same.
I miss travel. Not just this year's lost trip to Amsterdam and Berlin, but it's hard to imagine going anywhere ever again right now. The best part about travel is seeing how other people live.
I miss restaurants and eating out. Patrick has been making amazing meals. But I hope that the restaurants that I know and love will make it through this. I'm afraid many won't.
Beatrix misses her school and friends. Online school starts this week. I'm not sure how she'll do it (or her teachers will), but she'll find a way. Today we spent all day setting up the 3rd floor to be a space where we all can comfortably work. But no one knows what online school will be like.
That 3rd floor is a great workspace, but I miss my clients. I'm finding new ways to communicate with them, but I worry that those are lacking, and that I am not getting what needs to get done done, and I am concerned for their long-term future.
I miss going to arts events. I've been watching livestreams and movies, and it's been a good pivot, but the community facet is missing.
You see, in all of these things, there are pivots. There are ways to change. There are adaptations. Maybe some of those will even be better.
But I see people rising up — to make masks for hospital workers (because why on earth don't we have enough masks?), to share information, to provide puzzles and games, to put their lives on the line to keep others safe, to stay at home to protect the more vulnerable. And I'm hoping that that spirit will come back and rebuild and be stronger than ever.
But right now, I selfishly, just miss people.