Free Ticket Weekend
For any number of reasons, life has been a lot lately. But this weekend I was also able to do some fun things! WICKED has long been on Beatrix's bucket list. Thanks to her, I had started to like the music, but I've never been able to get through the book so I was not is sure about the show. But we were given tickets to yesterday's matinee, so attended and loved it! Yes, a great show. But time with my daughter, seeing her enjoy it? Priceless. Today, I was given tickets to "A Scandalous West Wing Event with Joshua Malina" and attended with my friend Dan. It turned out to be a lot less about TWW and a lot more about Judaism — yes, I was I think the only gentle in attendance. Part discussion, part live taping of his podcast Chutzpod . But it was interesting, and sometimes very funny, and led to a really good discussion afterwards as we walked around the St. Kate's campus a little. Then we went to the final performance of Songs of Hope (tickets almost always free...