Garden Tasks

I think I might have to retire the term "pandemic projects." Because we are still in a pandemic — but it might be an always thing now. The projects I am going around the house(s) have slowed down. They, like covid, are just part of everyday life now. I seem to have run out of time to devote to them. Not to say that I think we have reached the "endemic" stage of covid yet, but that I just don't know what else to do except protect my family as I can and move ahead.

So I ripped out the weedy front area at Summit and replaced the weeds with some giant marigolds I got off the neighborhood free board.

(as usual, I forgot to take a photo, but you can get a sense from the background as to how bad it was.)

And Patrick took pity on me trying to (badly) string up outdoor lights over the back deck and wound them cheerily around the deck umbrella instead.

Small steps, but I'll take them. And continue to test frequently.


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