Pandemic Projects - The Little Things

So I have found that, if I stay busy with household projects over the weekend, it just feels like we are being wonderfully productive, not that our world is collapsing around us. So today I made a new light switch cover for the hall: The early spring allowed us to clean out under the magnolia beds at Summit, which have needed attention for a long time. We then got about 10 bags of pine needles from our friends Tom and Sarah (at a respectable social distance of course) and mulched the bed within an inch of its life. The magnolia were severely damaged by the neighbors the summer before last (to the point where they developed scale because they were so damaged during the hottest part of the summer), and we've been working hard (and spending a lot) to get them in better shape. Pine needles are supposed to be fantastic for magnolias so here's hoping! Back at Ashland, Beatrix and I brushed down and painted the wicker chairs in the back seating area. It'...