Sundays in the Kitchen

As befitting our apparent new roles as Homestead Dystopians, we spent much of the day in the kitchen.

We made bread, thanks to my friend Tesla sending yeast. And because all the cool kids are doing it — does anyone have any sourdough starter they can share with me?

And then we started a batch of beer from a kit we had picked up, we'll see how it turns out.

Chocolate yoghurt cake from my friend's excellent cookbook:

A hearty lentil stew from the same friend's fantastic, FREE weekly meal plan:

In the afternoon we did a little gardening and clean-up at Summit.

Then back here Patrick re-organized our woodpile so we can more easily do backyard bonfires:

Meanwhile I worked on the raised front bed (no pictures yet, because it's not quite done). I don't think I've ever gotten such an early start on the garden — and in any case, that particular bed has been a problem child for years. I think I might have removed some "real" plants, not just weeds. But honestly, that's just how I'm rolling right now, that if it's time for something to be replaced by something new, that's just how it is.


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