Brutus on Brewpubs - St. Paul Brewing

My metrics show me that the "Brutus on Brewpubs" posts are my least read. But I enjoy writing them anyway, so you're forced to sit through another one...this time on St. Paul Brewing.

St. Paul Brewing was originally Flat Earth Brewing, who I was supportive of because the beer was decent and they donated to a lot of arts groups. Five or six years ago they relocated to the old Hamm Brewing site, and 11 Wells (another place we like) opened across the complex. We had spent several lovely afternoons and evenings there in the Before Times.

They were one of the first to close with covid, but they have re-opened, and could not be lovelier!

They have  fantastic new patio area, very funky and reminiscent of places like the Loring (but with 100% less perverts!). The beer remains great, and they have now added pizzas that look great (Sensing a pizza theme here lately? Though we did not get to try them.) There are tons of little seating rooms for groups of all sizes, great plants (including succulents, fountains, a tiki bar, and bonfires). It's lost the rough edge the place used to have, but kept the delicious beer.

We forgot cookies so that was a little disappointing to the BrewPub (though we thought of trying to buy some pepperoni off the pizza people). So he gives it an 8/10. I'm sure it would be higher if we remember the cookies next time!


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