Corona Cleaning - the Summit House

 I've not done a "Corona Cleaning" or "Pandemic Projects" post in awhile. With the start of the school year, multiple deadlines, and work ramping up (how on earth did I have 7 zoom meetings and 3 calls today?) there's not been a ton of time for any fulfilling projects. I did make a new tray for the cat food, does that count?

But the past few days we've spent hours cleaning the Summit house, after having been there all summer, and not having deep cleaned in...awhile...

The kitchen ceiling is patched but not completely fixed, but we were able to wipe everything down. Cleaned up the laundry area; amazing how much that was weighing on me. Beatrix cleaned her room and the guest rooms and left cute notes. We wiped under things and vacuumed every crevice of the upholstered furniture and vacuumed and then damp-wiped the rugs and cleaned enough lint out of the dryer to make ourselves a new dog. We cleaned out the pantry and the refrigerator and years of things from the freezer. It's not perfect; maybe I should find a cleaning team to tackle it in the future. For the amount of time we spent on this, that's probably the best option! But I think it looks pretty good. It really is a great house.

We did tackle some smaller projects over there recently, as well, like putting those magnetic closers in all the cabinet doors and painting the long unpainted hall trim (but now it does not match, it seems that the "navajo white" there has definitely darkened with age, so now I need to decide if I'm going to re-do it all) and caulking the shower and such.

We like the idea of doing the most possible good with the house, and we don't have our rental plans for it firmed up yet (except for October). We're considering renting it in micro-terms for people that want  few days away, or who have families coming over the holidays that can't stay with them due to the pandemic. We're not really sure what that looks like yet; it won't be through AiBnB or VRBO or anything, but just to friends and friends of friends. So of that's you, or someone you know, get in touch!


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