Mother's Day 2020

Mother's Day. Whatever your relationship is with or as a mother, a day that's likely to be fraught. So in some ways, during a pandemic, when you can throw all that out the window it's better.

We actually started celebrating last night, when we played a game of Forbidden Island and watched The Notebook, which I had never seen. Spoiler - I was not as gutted by it as everyone else I know who's seen it, meaning I apparently have a heart of stone.

I slept in today and got breakfast in bed, and then went on a scavenger hunt to find my presents, which was really fun. Beatrix went all out in the prep:

Beatrix was also in charge of the family activity, which was making pom-pom hedgehogs:

My family has, since I was a child, gone out for Mother's Day brunch. My grandfather used to treat everyone to a big buffet brunch, and my aunt and uncle had taken it over. Obviously that was out this year, but somehow my cousin Erin, who has been incredibly resourceful the entire pandemic so far, found delicious meal for pick-up at Urban Growler and delivered it to everyone. Our contribution was a hustle pack from Lawless which we made up for everyone, which was a big hit.

Some reading in the afternoon — my friend Bethany just delivered me a grocery bag full of books, and I could not be more excited. Then work an a 4-level, New York architecture puzzle, and some hot tub time. And now, a rhurbarita:

So wherever you are and whatever your relationship with the holiday is, I hope that the pandemic did not add a layer of suck, but instead allowed you to let some things go and make the most of it.


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