The Small Things That Make It Better

Sometimes when people ask me how I'm doing right now I say "jagged."

Like one day seems pretty good, and you're happy to be with your family, and most of all, you're not sick.

And then the next day you're down and it seems like way too much to deal with for another day much less likely the next few years, and your whole family is sick-and-tired of each other and snaps and things that are important to you keep getting broken and you're tired and so incredibly stressed out and mother's day is coming up and you hate that holiday. (that was yesterday for me, in case you were wondering)

So today was better and it made me realize how much people's kind thoughts and gestures can mean, always, but especially now.

My friend Jen gave me rhubarb stems so I can make rhubarbaritas (and maybe I'll have to try cordial too).

My friend Reba gave me a whole hydrangea tree to replace the one in our back yard that did not make it through the winter. (How do plants do just fine for a few years and then give up the ghost?). Plus I got a rhododendron and a Mac charger off the BST board with contactless pick-up.

Our financial panner is really watching out for us and even in the down market is looking at what we can harvest for tax loss (ok, a mixed blessing, but still...).

I finished a big writing project that was hanging over me.

My friend Whitney's daughter got into her top choice middle school.

It was Mr. Howe's Story Corner tonight (though I'm sad because we finished the book and so now we're done. It's been one of the best parts of the last 6 weeks).

I pre-ordered my friend Nancy's fantastic looking book. I'm dizzy with anticipation. You should order it too and we can read it together!

I think the small things are becoming all the more important.


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